The Full Form of ICU Meaning, and Definition 

On this page, We are going to learn about the full form of ICU and the meaning of ICU, As well as the meaning, definition, and acronym for ICU in different categories. So you should read this post till the end.

The Full Form of ICU: Intensive care unit

ICU Stands for Intensive care unit. The Intensive care unit is the medical ward of healthcare where patients are treated at advanced and specialized levels of care, where patients are treated for the most serious illnesses and injuries.

It is a medical environment that provides life-saving treatment and monitoring. doctors and nurses, who will continue to monitor their condition and ensure they receive the best possible care.

ICU equipment

Intensive Care Units are units in hospitals where seriously ill patients, those undergoing operations, and those who have suffered trauma are treated. According to the disease, this ward has neuro, surgical, and medical intensive care units.

They also have different machines and medicines in such a situation. In the intensive care unit or ICU, patients who are seriously unwell and require 24-hour care receive specialized treatment.

There are many types of equipment in the ICU, these include ventilators, heart monitors, feeding tubes, drains and catheter machines, which are used to treat patients according to their need.


There are some of the most commonly used acronyms, abbreviations, full forms, and the ICU meaning are listed in different categories below the table.

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