A to Z Popular Full Form, Acronyms and Avvriviation List PDF

All Full forms starting with “0 – 9”

AcronymsPopular Full Form
2FATwo Factor Authentication
2GSecond Generation
2WDTwo Wheel Drive(TWD)
3DThree Dimensional
3GThird Generation
3GP3Rd Generation Project
3GPP3Rd Generation Partnership Project
3GPP3rd Generation Partnership Project
3GPP23rd Generation Partnership Project
4GFourth Generation
4WDFour Wheel Drive(FWD)
5GFifth Generation

A to Z Full forms starting with “A”

AcronymsPopular Full Form
A/FApplied For
A2AAsk to Answer
AAAAuthentication Authorization, Account
AACAdvanced Audio Coding
AAIAirport Authority of India
AATAmbient Air Temperature
ABCAmerican Broadcasting Company
ABGArterial Blood Gas
ABSAntilock Braking System
ACAlternating Current, Air Conditioner
ACCAutomatic Climate Control or Adaptive Cruise Control
ACCAnalog Control Channel
ACCAssociated Cement companies
ACCAAssociation of Certified chartered accountants
ACDAutomatic Call Distributor
ACSAutomated Clearing System.
ADAuthorized Dealer.
ADBAsian Development Bank.
ADBAsian Development Bank
ADCAAdvance Diploma in Computer Applications
ADFAutomated Data Flow
ADIDASFrom the name of the founder Adolf (Adi) Dassler.
ADRAmerican Depository Receipt.
ADSAcquired demyelinating syndrome, aiming down sights
ADTVAverage Daily Trading Volume
AEPSAadhaar Enabled Payments Switch
AIArtificial Inteligence
AICAgricultural Insurance Company.
AICTEAll India Council for Technical Education
AIDBsAll India Development Banks
AIFAlternative Investment Fund
AIFIsAll India Financial Institutions
AJAXAsynchronous JavaScript and XML
AKAAlso Known As
ALCOAsset Liability Committee
ALMAsset Liability Management
ALUArithmetic Logic Unit
AM PMAnti Meridiem, Post Meridiem
AMDAdvance microdevices.
AMEXAmerican Express
AMFLAssociation of Mutual Funds in India.
AMLAnti-Money Laundering
AMPSAdvanced Mobile Phone Service
AMRAdaptive Multi-Rate Codec
AMRAdaptive Multi-Rate
AMRMSAudit and Risk Monitoring Mechanism
ANBCAdjusted Net Bank Credit
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
APAccess Point
APACSAssociation of Payment and Clearing Services
APBSAadhaar Payment Bridge System
APCAmerican Power Conversion
APIApplication Programming Interface
APJ Abdul KalamAbdul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
APKAndroid Application Package
APLAutomatic Programming Language
APMAdvanced Power Management
APMCAgricultural Produce Market Committee
APNAccess Point Name.
APPLEAsian Passenger Payload Experiment.
ARAIAutomotive Research Association of India
ARCAsset Reconstruction Companies
ARCILAsset Reconstruction Company of India Limited
ARCsAsset Reconstruction Companies
ARPANETAdvanced Research Project Agency Network
ASAICAs Soon As I Can
ASAPAs Soon As Possible
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASPActive Server Page
ASRAutomated Speech Recognition
ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment &
Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment
ATMAutomated Teller Machine.
ATMAutomated teller machine,
Air traffic management
AVIAudio Video Interleave
AWDAll Wheel Drive

General Full forms starting with “B”

AcronymsFull Form
B. EdBachelor of Education
B.ComBachelor of Commerce
B.EdBachelor of Education
B.TechBachelor of Technology
BABachelor of Arts
BABachelor of Arts, British Airways
BACSBankers Automated Clearing System
BAMSBachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
BASICBeginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BBABachelor of Business Administration
BCABachelor of Computer Applications
BCABachelor of Computer Application
BCCIBoard of Control for Cricket in India
BCGBacillus calmette Guerin
BDSBachelor of dental surgery
BEBachelor of Engineering
BERBit Error Rate
BHMSBachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
BIOSBasic Input Output System
BISBureau of Indian Standards
BLOBBinary Large Object
BMIBody Mass Index
BOEBill of Exchange
BOIBank of India.
BOSSBusiness Organizer Scheduling System
BOTBack On Topic
BPLBelow Poverty Line
BPOBusiness Process Outsourcing
BRBBe Right Back
BSCBachelor of Science, Base Station Controller
BSCCBihar Student Credit Card
BSEBombay Stock Exchange.
BSEBombay Stock Exchange
BTSBangTan Sonyeondan
BTWBy the Way

A to Z Full forms starting with “C”

AcronymsFull Form
C.I ENGINECompression-Ignition Engine
CAChartered Accountant
CAACitizen Amendment Act
CABCitizen amendment Bill
CADComputer-Aided Design
CAGController and Auditor General.
CASIOFrom the name of its founder, Kashio Tadao
CBICentral Beuro of Investigation, Central Bank of India
CBSECentral Board of Secondary Education
CBTComputer-Based Terminal
CCCubic Centimeter, Carbon Copy, Credit card, Country code
CCTVClosed-Circuit Television
CCTVClosed Circuit Television
CCVTIControlled Combustion Variable Timing Ignition
CDCompact Disc
CD-ROMCompact Disc-Read-Only Memory
CD-ROMCompact Disk – Read Only Memory
CD-RWCompact Disc-Rewritable
CDGCDMA Development Group
CDICapacitor-Discharge Ignition
CDMACode Divison Multiple Access.
CDNContent Delivery Network
CDSCombined Defence Services
CEOChief Executive Officer
CFLCompact fluorescent lamp
CIBILCredit Information Bureau of India Limited
CIPETCentral Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology
CISCOComputer Information System Company.
CMYKCyan Magenta Yellow Black
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
COBOLCommon Business Oriented Language (programming language)
COMPUTERCommonly Operated Machine Particularly Used In Technical And Educational Research
COPAComputer Operator and Programming Assistant
COVID 19Coronavirus Disease
CPCCost Per Click
CPIConsumer Price Index.
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CPWDCentral Public works Department
CRMCustomer Relationship Management
CRTCathode Ray Tube
CRYChild Rights and You
CSCCommon Service Centres
CSEComputer Science and Engineering
CSKChennai Super Kings
CSOCentral Statistics Office
CSPCustomer Service Point
CSSCascading Style Sheet
CVCurriculum Vitae

Full forms starting with “D”

DBSDevelopment Bank of Singapore
DBTDirect Benefit Transfer
DCDirect Current, Data Compression, Deputy Commissioner, District of Columbia, Detective Comics
DCADiploma in Computer Applications
DCEDiploma in Civil Engineering
DELLDigital Electronic Link Library
DESTData entry Skill test, data entry speed test
DGPDirector-General of Police
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHLDalsey Hillblom Lynn
DIGDeputy Inspector General
DIYDo it Yourself
DJDisc Jockey
DMCADigital Millennium Copyright Act
DNADeoxyribonucleic acid
DNSDomain Name System
DOSDisk Operating System
DPDisplay Picture, Data Processing
DPIDots Per Inch
DRDODefense Research and Development Organization
DRMDigital Rights Management, Divisional Railway Manager
DSLDigital Subscriber Line
DSLRDigital single-lens reflex
DTAData Transfer Adapter
DTCDigital Traffic Channel
DTPDesk-Top Publishing & Distributed Transaction Processing
DTS-FIDigital Twin Spark Fuel Injection
DTS-iDigital Twin Spark Ignition
DTS-SiDigital Twin Spark Swirl Induction
DVDDigital Video Disc, Digital Versatile Disc

Full forms starting with “E”

acronymsFull Form
EBRTExternal Beam Radiation Therapy
EBVEpstein – Barr virus
ECCExcise Control Code
ECEElectronic and Communication Engineering
ECGElectro cardio diagram
ECREmigration Check Required
ECSElectronic Clearing Service
EDDEstimated date of delivery
EDGEEnhanced Data Rates for GSM (Global System for Mobile) Evolution
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EDPElectronic Data Processing
EEPROMElectronic Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EFTElectronic Funds Transfer
EmailElectronics Mail
EMIEquated Monthly Installment
ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
EPFOEmployee Provident Fund Organization
ERNETEducation and Research Network
ERPEnterprise Resource Planning
ESIEmployee’s State Insurance
ESICEmployees State Insurance Corporation
ETAEstimated Time of Arrival
ETCEt cetera
EVSEnvironmental Studies or Environmental Sciences
EWSEconomically Weaker Section

Full forms starting with “F”

FATCAForeign Account Tax Compliance Act
FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation
FCIFood Corporation of India
FIRFirst Information Report
FYIFor Your Information
FAXFar away xerox
FCCBForeign Currency Convertible Bond
FDIForeign Direct Investment
FEMAForeign Exchange Management Act
FHRFetal Heart Rate
FICCIFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FIFAFederation Internationale de Football Association
FMCGFast-Moving Consumer Goods
FMFrequency Modulation
FOBFree on Board
FOMOFear of Missing Out
F.O.RFreight on Road
FSSAIFood Safety and Standards Authority of India
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
FUPFair Usage Policy

Full forms starting with “G”

GATEGraduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
GATTGeneral Agreement on Tariff and Trade
GAVIGlobal Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization
GBPGreat Britain Pound
GCCGulf Cooperation Council
GCCGNU Compiler Collection
GDPGross Domestic Product
GICGeneral Insurance Corporation
GIFGraphics Interchange Format
GISGeographic Information System
GKGeneral Knowledge
GmailGoogle Mail
GMPCSGlobal Mobile Personal Communications System
GMRTGiant Meterweb Radio Telescope
GMTGreenwich Mean Time
GNLFGorkha National Liberation Front
GNMGeneral Nursing and Midwifery
GNPGross National Product
GOOGLEGlobal Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth
GPAGrade Point Average
GPFGeneral Provident Fund
GPOGeneral Post Office
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GRAGlobal Research Alliance
GREGraduate Record Examination
GSDIGlobal Spatial Data Infrastructure
GSIGeological Survey of India
GSLVGeosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
GSMGlobal System for Mobile communication
GSOMIAGeneral Security of Military Information Agreement
GSTGoods and Service Tax
GSTGoods and Services Tax
GSTPGlobal System of Trade Practices
GTTGlucose Tolerance Test
GUIGraphical User Interface

Full forms starting with “H”

HDHigh Definition
HDFCHousing Development Finance Corporation
HDIHuman Development Index
HDMIHigh Definition Multimedia Interface
HIVHuman Immunodeficiency Virus
HODHead of Department
HPHewlett-Packard, Hindustan Petroleum, Horse Power
HRHuman Resources
HRMSHuman Resource Management System
HSCHigher Secondary Certificate
HSNHarmonized System of Nomenclature
HTCHigh Tech Computer
HTMLHyperText Markup Language
HTTPHyperText Transfer protocol
HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol
HVACHeating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
HVDCHigh Voltage Direct Current Transmission

Full forms starting with “I”

I ComIntermediate of Commerce
I SCIntermediate of Science
IAIntermediate of Arts
IACInternational Administration Centre
IASIndian Administrative Service
IBIntelligence Bureau
IQIntelligence Quotient
IBMInternational Business Machines
IBPSInstitute of Banking Personnel Selection
ICIntegrated Circuit
ICARIndian Council of Agricultural Research
ICCInternational Cricket Council
ICICICredit and Investment Corporation of India
ISROIndian Space Research Organization
ICRAInvestment Information and Credit Rating Agency
ICSEIndian Certificate of Secondary Education
ICUIntensive Care Unit
IDEIntegrated Development Environment & Integrated Drive Electronics
IEDImprovised Explosive Device
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IELTSInternational English Language Testing System
IFFCOIndian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited
IFSIndian Forest Service, Indian Foreign Service
IFSCIndian Financial System Code
IGInspector-General of Police
IGSTIntegrated Goods and Services Tax
IIFLIndia Infoline Finance Limited
IITIndian Institute of Technology
IMAOIn My Arrogant Opinion
IMDbInternet Movie Database
IMEIInternational Mobile Equipment Identity
IMFInternational Monetary Fund
IMOIn My Opinion & International Maritime Organization
IPCIndian Penal Code
IMPSImmediate Payment Service
INRIndian Rupee
INTERNETInterconnected Network
IOCInternational Olympic Committee
iOSiPhone Operating System
IPInternet Protocol
IPCInterprocess Communication
IPCCIntegrated Professional Competence Course
IPLIndian Premier League
IPSIndian Police Service
IQIntelligence Quotient
IRCTCIndian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation
IRDAInsurance Regulatory and Development Authority & Infrared DATA Association
IRDPIntegrated Rural Development Programme
IRSIndian Revenue Service
ISCIndian School Certificate
ISDInternational Subscriber Dialing
ISIIndian Standards Institute
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ISPInternet Service Provider
ISROIndian Space Research Organization
ITInformation Technology & Income Tax
ITBPIndo-Tibetan Border Police
ITCIndian Tobacco Company, International Trade Center
ITESInformation Technology Enabled Services
ITIIndustrial Training Institute
ITILInformation Technology Infrastructure Library
ITPIdiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
IUCInterconnect Usage Charge
IUCNInternational Union for Conservation of Nature
IUPACInternational Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
IVFIN Vitro Fertilization
IVRInteractive Voice Response

Full forms starting with “J”

J2MEJava 2 Micro Edition OR Java 2 Mobile Edition
J2SEJava 2 Standard Edition OR Java 2 Special Edition
JADJava Application Descriptor
JAIIBJunior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers
JARJava Archive
JBLJames Bullough Lansing
JCBJoseph Cyril Bamford
JEEJoint Entrance Examination
JFYJust For You
JIOJoint Implementation Opportunities
JK TyreJuggilal Kamlapat Ji Tyres
JLTJust Like That
JPEGJoint Photographic Expert Group
JPGJoint Photographic Experts Group
JSFJavaServer Faces
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
JVMJava Virtual Machine

Full forms starting with “K”

KbpsKilobits per second
KFCKentucky Fried Chicken
KGKinder Garten
KGFKolar Gold Fields
KGFKolaar Gold Fields
KHZkilohertz (thousand hertz)
KPIKey Performance Indicator
KPOKnowledge Process Outsourcing
KTMKraftfahrzeuge Trunkenpolz Mattighofen
KYCKnow Your Customer

Full forms starting with “L”

Li-FiLight Fidelity
L&TLarsen and Toubro
LACLine of Actual Control
LANLocal Area Network
LASERLight Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LBALogical Block Addressing
LBSPound-Mass or Pound & Location Based Service
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LCMLowest Common Multiple
LEDLight Emitting Diode
LEOLow Earth Orbit
LIFOLast In, Last Out
LKGLower Kindergarten
LLBBachelor of Laws
LLCLimited Liability Company
LLMMaster of Law
LMAOLaughing My A** Off
LNATLaw National Aptitude Test
LNGLiquid Natural Gas
LOACLine of Actual Control
LOCLine of Control
LOILetter Of Intent
LOLlaughing out Loud, Lots of love
LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas
LSRLabel Switch Router
LTELong Term Evolution
LTSLong Term Storage
LVILow Voltage Integrator

Full forms starting with “M”

M .ScMaster of Science
M. AMaster of Arts
M. ComMaster of Commerce
M. DDoctor of Medicine
M. TechMaster of Technology
MACMedia Access Control
MACMedia Access Control Address
MANMetropolitan Area Network
MATManagement Aptitude Test
MBAMaster of Business Administration
MBBSBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MBBSBachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
MBCSMulti Byte Character Set
MBPSMegabits per Second
MBRMaster Boot Record
MCMenstrual Cycle
MCAMaster of Computer Application
MCBMiniature Circuit Breaker
MCHMean Corpuscular Haemoglobin
MCLRMarginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate
MCQMultiple Choice Question
MESMilitary Engineering Service
MFAMaster of Finance And Accounting
MFIMicro Finance Institution
MGNREGAMahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
MHAMinistry of Home Affairs
MICRMagnetic Ink Character Recognition
MINMutual-Fund Identification Number
MIPSMillion Instructions Per Second
MISManagement Information System
MLAMember of Legislative Assembly
MLCMember of the Legislative Council
MMIDMobile Money Identifier
MMSMultimedia Messaging Service
MOSFETMetal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MPEGMoving Picture Experts Group
MRFMadras Rubber Factory
MRIMagnetic Resonance Imaging
MRPMaximum Retail Price
MSMEMinistry of Small and Medium Enterprises

Full forms starting with “N”

NABARDNational Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NACNetwork Access Control
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NCBNarcotics Control Bureau
NCCNational Cadet Corps
NCERTNational Council of Educational Research and Training
NCRNational Capital Region
NCVTNational Council of Vocational Training
NDANational Defence Academy, National Democratic Alliance
NDRFNational Disaster Response Force
NDTVNew Delhi Television
NEETNational Eligibility cum Entrance Test
NEETNational Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test
NEFTNational Electronic Funds Transfer
NETNational Eligibility Test
NGONon-Governmental Organization
NHAINational Highways Authority of India
NIANational Investigation Agency
NICNetwork Interface Card
NIFTYNational Stack Exchange Fifty
NIITNational Institute of Information Technology
NIOSNational Institute of Open Schooling
NOCNo Objection Certificate
NOTANone of the Above
NPRNational Population Register
NRCNational Register of Citizens
NRINon-Resident Indian
NSANational Security Advisor
NSDLNational Securities Depository Limited
NSENational Stock Exchange
NSGNational Security Guards
NSSNational Service Scheme
NTPCNational Thermal Power Corporation
NVRNetwork Video Recorder

Full forms starting with “O”

OBCOther Backward Class
OCROptical Character Recognition
OECDOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
OKObjection Killed, Oll Korrect, On Kerosine
OMROptical Mark Recognition
ONGCOil and Natural Gas Corporation
OOPObject-Oriented Programming
OOTDOutfit of the Day
OPDOutpatient Department
OPECOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OSOperating System
OSAObstructive Sleep Apnea
OSSOpen Source Software
OTPOne Time Password
OTPOne-time Password
OTTOver The Top

Full forms starting with “P”

PANPermanent Account Number
PCPersonal Computer
PCBPrinted Circuit Board
PCCPolice Clearance Certificate
PCIPress Council of India
PCOPublic Call Office
PCODPolycystic Ovarian Disease
PCRPolymerase Chain Reaction
PCSProvincial Civil Service
PDAPersonal Digital Assistant
PDCPrimary Domain Controller
PDFPortable Document Format
PFProvident Fund
PFAPlease Find Attachment
PGDCAPost Graduate Diploma in Computer Application
PHPotential of Hydrogen
PHDDoctor of Philosophy
PHPHypertext Preprocessor
PINPersonal Identification Number
PINGPacket Internet Groper
PNBPunjab National Bank
PNGPortable Network Graphics
PNRPassenger Name Record
POProbationary Officer & Post Office
POCProof of Concept
POLICEPublic Officer for legal investigations and criminal emergencies
POSPoint of Sale
PPCPay Per Click
PPFPublic Provident Fund
PSCPublic Service Commission
PSIPound per Square Inch
PSLVPolar Satellite Launch Vehicle
PSUPower Supply Unit
PTOPlease Turn Over & Paid Time Off
PTSDPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PUBGPublic Works Department
PUCPersonal Unlock Code
PVCPoly Vinyl Chloride
PVRPriya Village Roadshow
PWDPublic Works Department

Full forms starting with “Q”

QAMQuadrature Amplitude Modulation
QEMUQuick Emulator
QFIQualified Foreign Individuals
QIBQualified Institutional Buyer
QIBQualified Institutional Bankers
QIPQualified Institutional Placement
QISQuantitative Impact Study
QnAQuestion and Answer
QRQuantitative Restriction
QR CodeQuick Response Code
QuoraQUestion OR Answer

Full forms starting with “R”

R&DResearch and Development
RADARRadio Detection And Ranging
RAFCRevolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia
RAMRandom-Access Memory
RAWResearch and Analysis Wing
RBCRed Blood cells
RCCReinforced Cement Concrete
RDXResearch Department Explosive / Royal Demolition Explosive
RERAReal Estate Regulatory Authority
RFIDRadio Frequency Identification
RIPRest In Peace, Routing Information Protocol
RNARibonucleic acid
ROReverse Osmosis
ROFLRolling On Floor Laughing
ROMRead-Only Memory
RPMRevolutions Per Minute
RSSReally Simple Syndication, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
RTGSReal-Time Gross Settlement
RTIRIght to information
RTORegional Transport Office/ Road Transport Office
RATRemote Administration Tool
RFTRadio Frequency Transmitter
RGBRed, Green, Blue
RJ45Registered Jack 45
ROIReturn On Investment
RTGSReal-Time Gross Settlement

Full forms starting with “S”

SAARCSouth Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SAPSystems Applications and products
SARSService Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SASStatistical Analysis Software
SATASerial Advanced Technology Attachment
SATOSouth Atlantic Treaty Organization
SchoolSincerity Capacity Honesty Orderliness Obedience Learning
SDKSoftware Development Kit
SDMSub Divisional Magistrate
SDOSub Divisional Officer
SEARCHSociety for Environmental Awareness and Rehabilitation of Child and Handicapped
SEBISecurities and Exchange Board of India
SENSEXStock Exchange Sensitive Index
SEOSearch Engine Optimization
SHOStation House Officer
SISub Inspector
SIMsubscriber identity module
SISSecret Intelligence Service
SLRSingle Lens Reflex
SLVSatellite Launch Vehicle
SMARTSmall Mission for Advanced Research
SMPSSwitched-Mode Power Supply/ Switching Mode Power Supply
SMSShort Message Service
SONARSound Navigation and Ranging
SQLStructured Query Language
SSCSecondary School Certificate, Staff Selection Commission
SSDSolid State Drive
SSHDSolid-state hybrid drive
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
SSNSocial Security Number
STDSubscriber Trunk Dialing
SWATSpecial Weapons and Tactics
SWIFT codeSociety for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication

Full forms starting with “T”

TA & DATraveling Allowance & Dearness Allowance
TANTax Deduction and Collection Account Number
TBTera Byte , Tuberculosis
TBHTo Be Honest
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TCSTata Consultancy Services, Tax Collected at Source
TDRTicket Deposit Receipt, Term Deposit Receipt, Time Domain Reflectometer
TDSTax Deducted at Source
TFTThin Film Transistor
TINTaxpayer Identification Number
TLDTop Level Domain, Thermoluminescent dosimeter
TOITimes of India
TPAThird-Party Administrator
TRAITelecom Regulatory Authority of India
TRPTelevision Rating Point
TTTetanus Toxoid
TTYLTalk To You Later
TVSThirukkurungudi Vengaram Sundram

Full forms starting with “U”

UACUser Account Control
UFOUnidentified Flying Object
UGATUnder Graduate Aptitude Test
UGCUniversity Grants Commission
UIDAIUnique Identification Authority of India
UNIVACUniversal Automatic Computer
UPIUnified Payment Interface
UPIUnified Payments Interface
UPINUnique Property Identification Numbers
UPSUninterruptible Power supply
UPSCUnion Public service commission
URIUniform Resource Identifier
URLUniform Resource Locator
USAUnited States of America
USBUniversal Serial Bus
USBUltra-Small Branch
USFDA or FDAThe United States Food and Drug Administration
USMUser-based Security Model
UTFUnicode Transformation Format
UTIUniversal Transport Interface

Full forms starting with “V”

USAUnited States of America
VATValue Added Tax
VFXVisual Effects
VGAVideo Graphics Array
VINVehicle Identification Number
VIPVines Internet Protocol
VIPVery Important Person
VIRUSVital Information Resources Under Seize
VISAcharta visa, lit in Latin
VLANVirtual Local Area Network
VLCVideo LAN Client
VLCVideoLAN Client
VMSVoice Mail System
VMUVirtual Memory Unit
VOIPVoice Over Internet Protocol
VolteVoice over Long Term Evolution
VPAVirtual Payment Address
VPIVirtual Path Identifier
VPNVirtual Private Network
VRSVoluntary Retirement Scheme
VTUVisvesvaraya Technological University

Full forms starting with “W”

WAFWeb Application Firewall
WANWide Area Network
WAPWireless Application Protocol
WAPWeb Application Protection
WAVWaveform Audio
WBCWhite Blood Cell
WEFWorld Economic Forum, With Effect From
WFHWork From Home
WHOWorld Health Organization
Wi-FiWireless Fidelity
WLANWireless Local Area Network
WMPWindows Media Player
WPAWireless Protected Access
WPMWords Per Minute
WTFWhat the Fuck
WTOWorld Trade Organization
WWEWorld Wrestling Entertainment
WWFWorld Wide Fund, World Wrestling Federation
WWWWorld Wide Web

Full forms starting with “X”

XAMLExtensible Application Markup Language
XATXavier Aptitude Test
XGAExtended Graphics Array
XHTMLExtensible Hypertext Markup Language
XMFExtensible Music File
XMLeXtensible Markup Language
XMPPExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
XNSXerox Network Services
XSDXML Schema Definition
XSLExtensible Stylesheet Language
XSLTExtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
XSSCross-Site Scripting
XULXML User-interface Language
xVDSExtended Vehicle Diagnostic System

Full forms starting with “Y”

YAHOOYet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle
YAMYet Another Meeting
YMCAYoung Men’s Christian Association
YiBYobi Byte
YMMDYou made my day
YTMYield to Maturity
YAHOOYet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
YamahaNamed After The Founder Torakusu Yamaha

Full forms starting with “Z”

ZIP CodeZone Improvement Plan
ZEVZero Emission Vehicle
ZiBZebi Byte
ZIPZigzag Inline Package
ZNPZoram Nationalist Party
Z.A.P.UZimbabwe Africa Peoples Union
Z.P.ZZero Population Growth
Z.SZoological Society