What does AAMR stand for, meaning and Full form of AAMR

Are you looking for the meaning and full form of AAMR? Also, do you want to know the meaning and definition of AAMR and what AAMR stands for? So, we are going to learn about the abbreviation and acronym of AAMR, as well as the AAMR meaning and full forms. So you should read this post till the end?

The Full Form of AAMR: American Association on Mental Retardation

AAMR Stands for American Association on Mental Retardation. The American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) is a nonprofit organization that promotes the interests of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.

The AAMR works to improve the quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities and to ensure that they have access to the same opportunities as everyone else. The AAMR also provides information and resources on intellectual disability issues.


Now you might have got some ideas about the abbreviation, acronym, full form, and meaning of AAMR. But, some of the most commonly used acronyms, abbreviations, full forms, and the AAMR meaning are listed in different categories below the table.

TermsFull Forms
AAMRAge-Adjusted Mortality Rate
AAMRAmerican Association on Mental Retardation 
(Formerly American Association on Intellectual and
 Developmental Disabilities is known as  AAMR )
AAMRAnti-Aging Medical Research
AAMRAcute Antibody-Mediated Rejection
AAMRAfrican American Male Research (Washington, DC)
AAMRAssociation for the Advancement of Medicine by Research 
AAMR Meaning

AAMR meaning and FAQs

We have discussed what AAMR stands for, as well as the full form, meaning, and definition of AAMR. Now we are going to discuss some frequently asked questions on the internet. So, there are many FAQs on the meaning and the full form of AAMR. Let’s explore AAMR Meaning and FAQs.

What is the full form of AAMR?

The Full Form of AAMR is the American Association on Mental Retardation in the context of medical. the Definition of AAMR and all possible meanings are given above, You might also like some similar terms related to AAMR.

What is the meaning of AAMR?

The meaning of AAMR is American Association on Mental Retardation. Check out all the meanings of AAMR one by one, You might be searching for another term that is similar to AAMR. since there may be more than one meaning of AAMR.

What does AAMR stand for?

AAMR stands for American Association on Mental Retardation. AAMR is also related to some other terms that you might like to know more about. so check out all meanings of AAMR in the Above post section.

What does AAMR mean in the medical?

AAMR means American Association on Mental Retardation In the terms of medical. Earlier, we explained what does AAMR means? you can read Most used AAMR Full Form and Meaning. check-out related information in the above section.

What is the acronym of AAMR?

AAMR is an acronym for American Association on Mental Retardation. The Definition & Meaning of AAMR in Different Categories discussed above.

What is the full name of AAMR?

The full name of AAMR is American Association on Mental Retardation. Finally, we also discussed all the important things about, What is that AAMR and also related to the full Name of AAMR.

What is the definition of AAMR?

The definition of AAMR represents American Association on Mental Retardation. You can also know some Most Using Full-Form and The meaning of AAMR in the above section

What is the AAMR Meaning in medical

The AAMR meaning in medical is American Association on Mental Retardation. It may be more than one Meaning of AAMR so check out one by one in the above section.

In this post, we discussed all the important things about what AAMR stands for, full form, meaning, and definition. You will not only get all the possible AAMR full forms and meanings. but also all popular full forms, acronyms, abbreviations, and their meanings and definitions.