What is JCE Full Form, Meaning, And Definition

On this page, We are going to learn about the full form of JCE and the meaning of JCE, As well as the meaning, definition, abbreviation, and acronym for JCE in different categories. So you should read this post till the end.

The Full Form of JCE: Java Cryptography Extension

JCE stands for Java Cryptography Extension. JCE is a part of Java Cryptography Architecture that helps a set of frameworks and allows implementations for encryption such as block, stream ciphers, symmetric, asymmetric, key generation & key agreement, & Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms.

JCEJoint Channel Estimation
JCEJoint Collaborative Environment
JCEJoint Committee of Experts 
(Bangladesh and India)
JCEJoint Criminal Enterprise
JCEJoomla Content Editor (software)
JCEJournal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology
JCEJournal of Chemical Ecology (Springer)
JCEJournal of Chemical Education
JCEJournal of Chiropractic Education
JCEJournal of Chronic Diseases 
JCEJournal of Clinical Endocrinology
JCEJournal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
JCEJournal of Clinical Engineering
JCEJournal of Clinical Epidemiology 
JCEJournal of Cultural Economics 
JCEJunior Certificate of Education