What is Computer | History, Parts, Networking, Operating Systems

The Full Form of Computer: Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technical and Educational Research

A computer stands for Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in technical and educational research. Actually, “computer” is not an acronym, so it does not have any full form. But, the full form of the computer has been created by adding similar words according to the functionality of the computer. In fact, this name (computer) is derived from the Latin word “Computare”. which means to count or to count.

What is a Computer – Basic definition?

A computer is a device that can perform mathematical and logical operations. It can also store and retrieve information.

The computer is an electronic device, it is used for arithmetic and logical calculation. Arithmetical Calculations Means–2+2, 4+4, 10/5 And logical calculation means: if age is below 18, then child; if age is above 18, then minor.

The Hindi name of the computer is ” SANGANAK “. This Hindi name of the computer has been selected by the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology (CSTT).

  • C — Commonly
  • O — Operated
  • M — Machine
  • P — Particularly
  • U — Used in
  • T — Technical
  • E — Educational
  • R — Research
What is Computer | History, Parts, Networking, Operating Systems
What is Computer | History, Parts, Networking, Operating Systems

what is the history of computers?

The computer was invented by the scientist Charles Babbage in 1837. at that time it was known as ‘Analytical Engine, and it was named the first general-purpose computer. For this great discovery, Charles Babbage was called the Father of the Computer.

The basis of the invention and discovery of the computer is considered to be the mechanical calculating machine (ABACUS).

Abacus was a device, that help could help to easily calculate large numbers and figures, but due to some limitations in Abacus, we could not do multiplication or divide,

After some time the French mathematician Blaise Pascal invented “Pascaline” in 1642, it was the first mechanical calculator capable of calculating faster than the abacus. in 1822, Charles Babbage invented the computer based on the Pascaline mechanical calculator.


Generation of computer

Developing a computer took many generations, and in each generation, Very important changes were made to its basic structure in it. And today you can use a small size computer like a laptop.

  • First Generation (1946 – 1959), computers were based on electronic valves (vacuum tubes).
  • Second Generation (1959 – 1965) computers were based on transistors.
  • Third Generation (1965 – 1971), computers were based on Integrated Circuits (IC).
  • Fourth Generation (1971 – 1980), computers were largely based on Scale Integrated (VLSI) Circuits (VLSI).
  • Fifth Generation (1980 – present), computers are based on Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Parallel Processing Hardware.

What are the different types of computers?

Often, we are asked this question in Computer Full Form MCQ, how many types of computers are there, let us know.

  • Analog Computer
  • Digital Computer
  • Hybrid Computer
  • Super Computer
  • Mainframe Computer
  • Mini Computer
  • Micro or Personal Computer

There are many different types of computers, but the most common are the PC and the Mac. PCs are made by companies like Dell, HP, and Lenovo, while Macs are made by Apple.

PCs generally use the Windows operating system, while Macs use macOS. However, there are some PCs that use macOS, and there are some Macs that use Windows.

PCs are more popular than Macs, but Macs are more expensive. PC sales have been declining in recent years, while Mac sales have been increasing.

There are also laptops, tablets, and smartphones, which are all types of PCs. Laptops are bigger than tablets, and tablets are bigger than smartphones. Smartphones are the smallest, and they can be used to make phone calls.

How Does Computer Work and Process the Data

A computer is an electronic calculating machine that can do any kind of calculation, it uses a binary number i.e. 0 or 1 to do all kinds of calculations. For this, many computer components are used in it.

There are mainly five main parts of the computer’s components – Input, Output, Processor, Memory, and Program. With the help of these two components, the computer Stores, Retrieves, and Processes the Data and follows the instructions of the user. The computer has special Arithmetic and Logical Unit which is called ALU. Computer processes data in many steps

  • Input: Takes data from input devices such as scanners, keyboards, and Mouse.
  • Processing: Performs arithmetical and logical operations
  • Output: Provides the result to the output device after processing.
  • Storage: If necessary, stores the data in storage devices.

What is the Component of the computer?

Computer hardware is those parts, which we can touch and see, some of these parts are inside the CPU (central processing unit) and some are outside the CPU. here you can read more about the Component of the computer

what is computer component and its part
What is the Component of the computer?
  1. External Hardware of Computer
  • CPU (Central Processing Unit)
  • Hard disk drive
  • CD-ROM, Floppy Drive, DVD
  • Motherboard
  • Fan
  • RAM- Random Access Memory
  • Sound Card
  • Video Card

2. Internal Hardware Of the Computer

  • Desktop
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Speaker
  • Projector
  • Scanner
  • Printer

What is Computer Software

Software is a set of instructions or programs that tell a computer how to calculate data. Software controls the hardware of the computer and processes the data input by the user. The software cannot be touched physically but can be seen on the screen. There are many types of software. Mainly, There are two types of computer software

  • Application Software – Office, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook
  • Operating System Software – MS Windows. macOS. Linux. iOS. Android. CentOS. Ubuntu. Unix.

What is the characteristic of computers?

A computer is a machine that can do calculations and think. It is made up of different parts, each of which has a specific job to do. The most important parts are the CPU and the RAM. The CPU does the calculations and the RAM stores the information needed to do the calculations.

we know that computers make many tasks at a time. not only it is a multi-purpose device but also it has many characteristics like

  • Accuracy
  • Consistent accuracy
  • Automatic
  • Diligence
  • Multitasking
  • Multitasking support
  • Reliability
  • Data security and privacy
  • Incredible speed
  • Power of Remembering
  • Speed
  • Quick Decision
  • Storage Capacity
  • Versatility
  • Storage availability etc.

What are the Uses of Computer

What are the uses of the computer? In the beginning, a computer was just used in an office, to help make reports, record transactions, and store data. Nowadays, computers are used for many other purposes.

They can be used for home entertainment, sending and receiving emails, surfing the Internet, and even downloading movies and television shows. Computers can also be used for learning and education, research, and making things. there are a variety of uses in various sectors-

  • Banking and Financial Hubs
  • Science
  • Product Simulations
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotics
  • Engineering Industry
  • Entertainment and Recreation
  • Transport System
  • Marketing
  • Watching Movies
  • Defense Forces
  • Communication
  • Healthcare/ Medical
  • e-commerce
  • Online Education
  • Online Bill Payment
  • Security and Surveillance
  • Government Administration and Services

What are the limitations of computers?

  • Depend on Electricity

The hardware component in the computer cannot work in the absence of electricity, electricity is necessary for the computer to work. That is, Depend on Electricity is one of its limitations.

  • No Self-Intelligence

The computer does not have the power of self-intelligence to understand its own thinking, it only follows the instructions of the user and then processes the data. But the invention of technology like AI has also developed its Decision Making Power and Self-Intelligence.

  • Expensive hardware & software component

the computer cannot work without hardware and software Components. many types of hardware & software components have to be added to computers, and many hardware and software are very expensive, Hardware and software also have to be updated from time to time, we may have to spend monthly or yearly to update many computer software hardware.

  • Depending on the user’s input

The computer is always dependent on the user. That is until the computer will not gets any input from the user, the computer cannot output.

  • Responsible for E-wastage

In today’s world, computers are being manufactured so fast that it is responsible for more than 50 million tonnes of e-waste every year. E-Waste or Electronic Waste is old and defective computers, TVs, monitors, cell phones, PDAs, VCRs, CD players, fax machines, printers, etc. It is becoming a big threat to our environment.

  • Virus Threat or Online Cyber Crimes

The recent Ransomeware Virus Attack proved how dangerous the Virus Threat is, today there are many hacking groups in the world that can easily hack a computer.

Technology like computers may be useful for humans, but Virus Attack is one of its limitations. But Antivirus software is used to prevent this type of attack.


Now you might have got some ideas about the abbreviation, acronym, full form, and meaning of Computer. Also all popular full forms, acronyms, abbreviations, and Computer meanings and definitions.