What is SSH Full Form, Meaning And Definition

On this page, We are going to learn about the full form of SSH and the meaning of SSH, As well as the meaning, definition, abbreviation, and acronym for SSH in different categories. So you should read this post till the end.

The Full Form of SSH: Secure Shell

SSH stands for Secure Shell. SSH, which stands for Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell, is a network protocol that allows users, particularly system administrators, to securely access a computer over an unsecured network.

It provides strong password and public key authentication, as well as encrypted data communications between two computers connecting over an open network, like the internet.

SSH is not only a network protocol but also a suite of utilities that implement the protocol. It is commonly used by network administrators to remotely manage systems and applications. With SSH, administrators can log in to another computer over a network, execute commands, and transfer files from one computer to another.

The client-server model is used by SSH, connecting a Secure Shell client application to an SSH server. The client displays the session while the server runs it. SSH implementations also often support application protocols used for terminal emulation or file transfers.

Furthermore, SSH can create secure tunnels for other application protocols, such as securely running X Window System graphical sessions remotely. By default, an SSH server listens on the standard Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 22.


Now you might have got some ideas about the Meaning and full form of SSH. And also all popular full forms, acronyms, abbreviations, and their meanings and definitions.