The Full Form of AFK Meaning, and Definition 

On this page, We are going to learn about the full form of AFK and the meaning of AFK, As well as the meaning, definition, and acronym for AFK in different categories. So you should read this post till the end.

The Full Form of AFK: Away From Keyboard

AFK Stands for Away From Keyboard. Afk is an acronym that stands for “away from the keyboard.” It is commonly used in online chatrooms and gaming communities to indicate that someone is not available to respond. The away from keyboard (AFK) definition is when a person is not at their computer or phone.

The term is most often used in gaming contexts, where it denotes a player who is not actively participating in the game. However, the term can also be used more broadly to refer to anyone who is not available or engaged.


There are some of the most commonly used acronyms, abbreviations, full forms, and the AFK meaning are listed in different categories below the table.

TermsFull FormsCategory
AFKApplication Framework KitSoftware
AFKA Free Kill computer gameGaming
AFKArtifical Friendly KillerGaming
AFKAsk For KnowledgeAcademic & Science
AFKAudi First Aid KitAutomotive
AFKArt For KidsUnclassified
Meaning and full form of AFK