What is the full form of wysiwyg meaning, and definition 

The Full Form of wysiwyg: what you see is what you get

wysiwyg stands for what you see is what you get. It is a common expression phrase that means “what you see is an accurate representation of what you will get”

This expression is often used when people are talking about appearances or first impressions. For example, if you meet someone for the first time and they are well-dressed and have a pleasant demeanor, you might say “what you see is what you get” to mean that they seem like a good person.

Use of wysiwyg

This expression can also be used more broadly to mean that what you see is an accurate representation of the reality of a situation. For example, if you see a sign that says “No trespassing,” you might say “what you see is what you get” to mean that if you go onto the property, you will be trespassing.


In this post, we discussed all the important things about what is wysiwyg? You will not only get all the possible wysiwyg full forms and meanings. but also all popular full forms, acronyms, abbreviations, and wysiwyg meanings and definitions.