What is AJAX Full Form, Meaning, And Definition

On this page, We are going to learn about the full form of AJAX and the meaning of AJAX, As well as the meaning, definition, abbreviation, and acronym for AJAX in different categories. So you should read this post till the end.

The Full Form of AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax is a client-side scripting technique used in web browsing. AJAX is a technology that allows web pages to be updated without reloading the entire page. This makes web pages more interactive and allows for a more streamlined user experience.

AJAX works by sending requests to a server and then displaying the results on the page. This makes it possible to update small portions of a page without having to reload the entire page.

What is AJAX used for?

If understood in easy language, sometime back we had to refresh the webpage to see new updates on Gmail, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and YouTube

But now all these websites have started using AJAX since the time the user can refresh the page. Or the new update starts displaying on the page without disturbing.

Let’s take another example like this: – Earlier on the Facebook page had to be refreshed to see likes or comments on a photo. But now as soon as there is a like or comment. So with the help of AJAX, it gets updated in the background itself. And without refreshing the page, the user can see the likes or comments.

what is ajax in JavaScript
what is ajax in JavaScript

History and Beginnings of AJAX

The history of AJAX began with an article titled Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications published on February 18, 2005, and in this article, the word AJAX was first written by Jesse James Garrett. It was officially launched in 2006 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Gradually it progressed at such a fast pace in the field of web development that today all social media platforms are using this technology to improve their user interface.

What is used in AJAX technology?

  • HTML and CSS are used for presentation in AJAX technology. HTML presents the structure of the webpage and CSS manages the design and color of the webpage.
  • Uses DOM i.e. Document Object Model for dynamic display and interaction.
  • In AJAX technology, the data is interchanged between the user and the server through request. And for the process of interchange, JSON and XML are used.
  • XML-HTTP-Request is used to complete the process of asynchronous communication.
  • Javascript technology is used in AJAX technology to run Html, CSS, DOM, JSON, and XML together.

How many types of AJAX REQUEST

The entire functioning of AJAX depends on the request. The AJAX request itself ensures what to update in the page elements using Javascript and XMLHTTPObject. There are two types of AJAX requests

  • Synchronous Request
  • Asynchronous Request

What is AJAX and how it works?

  • When a client (user) sends a request to the server for the first time, the web server also sends the request back. And in this first response, the user’s webpage is completely loaded.
  • Now again the client (user) sends the XML-HTTP-Request to the server. And the HTTP-Request goes to the server.
  • The server processes the HTTP-Request. And sends the data to the browser. And updates the page content using Javascript, XHTML, and CSS.
  • And every time it refreshes or loads only as many web pages as is required by the server. Like automatic updating of some comments, likes or images.
  • This process runs only in the background of the webpage.

Why is AJAX used?

  • AJAX technology- Increases the performance of the web page by fast loading the web page. With this technology, there is no need to reload the website.
  • It is considered much better for Interactive Web Applications.
  • It uses very little server bandwidth, which results in very less load on the server.

Benefit of Ajax

One of the main advantages of AJAX is that it allows for a more streamlined user experience. By not having to reload the entire page, users can navigate through pages more quickly and easily.

This also makes it possible to update small portions of a page without having to reload the entire page. This can be particularly useful for pages that are updated frequently, such as news pages or social media sites.

AJAX is also useful for pages that are interactive. By sending requests to a server, AJAX allows for more dynamic pages that can update in real-time. it possible for users to interact with pages in a more fluid way and can create a more engaging user experience.

Overall, AJAX is a useful technology that can improve the usability of web pages. By allowing pages to be updated without reloading, it makes pages more interactive and user-friendly. AJAX is also useful for pages that are updated frequently or are interactive, making it a valuable tool for web developers.