What is Ping Full Form, Meaning, And Definition

On this page, We are going to learn about the full form of Ping and the meaning of Ping, As well as the meaning, definition, abbreviation, and acronym for Ping in different categories. So you should read this post till the end.

The Full Form of Ping » Packet Inter-Network Groper

Ping Stands for Packet Inter-Network Groper. ping is an internet control message protocol or command-line network testing utility tool. that is used to check connectivity between a source and a destination.

Ping verifies whether the network data packet is capable of being delivered to an address without errors. The ping utility is commonly used to check network errors. The Ping Command was created by Mike Musse in 1983 to solve the problem of IP networks.

What is the meaning of ping

actually, data travel on the internet in the form of packets Whenever data has to be sent or received on the Internet, it is sent in the form of data packets, and the amount of time (in ms) it takes to send or receive these data packets without any error.

When a node or client sends a signal/message to another server (host) then the host accepts the message, it sends feedback to the node, this process can also be called a PING request. And the time it takes to do the whole process is called Ping Time or Ping.

Because Ping Time is very short, it is measured in ms(milliseconds). With this process of the Ping Test, we can easily find whether your device network is able to communicate or not with any network server.

How to Ping IP Address?

  • Open Command Prompt on PC. (press Windows key + R)
  • the run dialog box will open.
  • Type Ping then gives space and type the IP address and press Enter.
  • Example- ping

What is the Ping Command Syntax?

you can use many syntaxes in the ping command as your requirement. these different types of Ping Command Syntax help to execute more options to ping.


It keeps pinging the target till then. Unless you stop it with Ctrl-C.


This option sets the echo request from 1 to 4294967295 for sending ICMP. If you do not use -n. So by default 4 requests are sent.


This option is used to echo the requested size, which is in bytes. It takes 32 to 65,527 bytes to set. If you do not use the -l option. So the ping command will send a 32-byte echo request by default.


If possible, this ping command can be used to resolve the hostname of the target IP address.