What is the full form of CAPTCHA meaning, and definition 

The Full Form of CAPTCHA: Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart

CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart. A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used to ensure that the user is human. CAPTCHAs are typically used to protect websites from spam or abuse. A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used to ensure that the user is human. CAPTCHAs are typically used to protect websites from spam or abuse.

CAPTCHAs can be frustrating for users, especially if they are difficult to read. But they are an important tool for website owners to help keep their site safe from spam and abuse.

History of CAPTCHA

Captcha was invented in 2000 by Carnegie Mellon University professors Luis Von Ahn, Manuel Blum, Nicholas Hopper, and John Langford.

By using this technique, humans and machines can be distinguished from each other. The Captcha Code works like a security check and crossing, which is not possible for a machine or robot to do.

If someone asked what it is, I would answer that it is a security check and crossing. It can greatly reduce spam and unauthorized access.


What are the benefits of Captcha Code?

Our website’s first line of defense against spammers is Captcha Code, which ensures the security of your data.

The use of the Captcha Code has increased dramatically since it was implemented. Bots and spammers are protected from our website and blogs by this program.

Captcha prepares a security test that is impossible for bots to pass. Let’s explore the Captcha Code and some of its benefits –

  • Preventing Comment Spam in Blogs
  • Protecting website registration
  • Protecting Email Address from Email Scrapers
  • creating an online poll
  • preventing unauthorized access
  • Protecting a website from a dictionary attack
  • protect website from bots

Types of Captcha Code

To prevent hackers and spammers and unauthorized access, the website uses many types of Captcha Codes like

  • Text recognition-based – These Captcha puzzles are all text-based, requiring the user to recognize the written text to solve them. It is only then that he will be able to access the website.
  • Image recognition based – These Captcha puzzles are all image-based, in which the user has to recognize the image to solve the code. Afterward, he is able to access the website.
  • Social Authentication/ Friend Recognition- Captchas of this type are mostly used on social media websites, and the puzzles are based on friends’ profile photos, which must be solved by the user. In order for the profile picture to be recognized, it must be recognized. A website can only be accessed after that.
  • Logic questions based- Logic questions form the basis of this type of Captcha, in which the user must answer the question to solve the code. then access the website.
  • User interaction-based – These types of Captcha puzzles are all interaction-based, where the user must answer questions related to interaction and solve the code. An example of a User interaction-based captcha code is: Sliders Type

In this post, we discussed all the important things about what is CAPTCHA? You will not only get all the possible CAPTCHA full forms and meanings. but also all popular full forms, acronyms, abbreviations, and CAPTCHA meanings and definitions.