Time Saving WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts key for Win and Mac User

Only a content writer can know how important WordPress shortcuts are for a blogger. Well, Blog writing is not an easy task, like removing the block, adding the block, adding an image, adding a link, etc.

these all tasks consume our time. but don’t worry, say thanks, to the WordPress developer, who add the feature of “WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts key for windows and Mac pc user for Blog Writing“.

By using the WordPress shortcuts key for windows and Mac pc, you can write much faster and maintain your productivity in WordPress. Moreover, you get to keep your hands on your keyboard while also selecting the format and moderating the texts.

Useful WordPress Keyboard shortcuts key

With the help of all these “WordPress block editor keyboard shortcuts”, You can easily write faster and maintain your productivity in WordPress by using WordPress keyboard shortcuts.

Moreover, you get to keep your hands on your keyboard and use the keyboard for selecting the format and moderation of texts.

Not only this, with the help of the Basic shortcut keys of WordPress, you can select any text, bold, italic, cut, paste, undo, redo, and insert hyperlink.

FunctionShortcuts for Windows UserShortcuts for Mac User
To Select allCtrl+A(⌘)+A:
To BoldCtrl+B(⌘)+B:
To CopyCtrl+C(⌘)+C:
To ItalicsCtrl+I(⌘)+I:
To Insert/edit linkCtrl+K(⌘)+K:
To UnderlineCtrl+U(⌘)+U:
To PasteCtrl+V(⌘)+V:
To CutCtrl+X(⌘)+X:
To RedoCtrl+Y(⌘)+Y:
To UndoCtrl+Z(⌘)+Z:
Basic WordPress Keyboard shortcuts for Windows and Mac Users

WordPress Block Editor Shortcuts for Windows and Mac Pc users

The classic editor used in WordPress is out of date, now most new bloggers use the Gutenberg block editor to write blogs, in the new block editor of WordPress, each part of the content can be written in a separate block. could. Blog writers can save both time and effort by using the “Gutenberg keyboard shortcuts key

Block Editor Functions Keyboard Shortcut for WindowsKeyboard Shortcut for Mac
Add a new blockEnterEnter
Duplicate the selected block(s)Ctrl + Shift + d(⌘) + Shift + d
Remove the selected block(s)Alt + Shift + zControl + Option + z
Insert a new block after the selected block(s)Ctrl + Alt + y(⌘) + Option + y
Insert a new block before the selected block(s)Ctrl + Alt + t(⌘) + Option + t
Change the block type after adding a new paragraph//
Clear selectionEscEsc
Redo your last undoCtrl + Shift + z(⌘)+ Shift + z
Show or hide the settings barCtrl + Shift + ,(⌘) + Shift + ,
Open the block navigation menuAlt + Shift + oOption + Control + o
Navigate to the next part of the editorAlt + Shift + nOption + Control + n
Navigate to the previous part of the editorAlt + Shift + pOption + Control + p
Navigate to the nearest toolbarAlt + F10fn + Option + F10
Switch between Visual Editor and Code EditorCtrl + Shift + Alt + m(⌘) + Option + Shift + m

Keyboard Shortcuts for Classic WordPress Editor

Even today, many bloggers and content writers use the classic WordPress editor to write blogs. However, with the arrival of the Gutenberg editor, the popularity of the classic editor has waned a bit. If you are using the classic version of WordPress editor, then WordPress editor shortcut keys will make your blogging tasks a lot easier. Let’s explore Keyboard Shortcuts for Classic WordPress Editor

FunctionWordPress Shortcut for Windows pcWordPress Shortcut for Mac pc
RedoCtrl + yCommand + y
Align LeftAlt + Shift + l⌘ + Option + l
Justify TextAlt + Shift + jCommand + Option + j
Align CenterAlt + Shift + cCommand + Option + c
StrikethroughAlt + Shift + dCommand + Option + d
Align RightAlt + Shift + rCommand + Option + r
Unordered ListAlt + Shift + uCommand + Option + u
Insert linkAlt + Shift + aCommand + Option + a
Numeric ListAlt + Shift + oCommand + Option + o
Remove linkAlt + Shift + sCommand + Option + s
QuoteAlt + Shift + qCommand + Option + q
Insert ImageAlt + Shift + mCommand + Option + m
Insert More TagAlt + Shift + tCommand + Option + t
Insert Page Break tagAlt + Shift + pCommand + Option + p
Insert heading sizesAlt + Shift + [number]Command + Option + [number]
Full screen distraction-free writing mode in visual editor modeAlt + Shift + wCommand + Option + w
Fullscreen distraction free writing in plain text modeAlt + Shift + fCommand + Option + f

WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts for Moderating Comments

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management service tool, mostly WordPress is used for blog writing only.

WordPress provides Helpful WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts for Comment Navigation, Comment Actions, and Bulk Comment Action. so that any block owner can easily manage the comments on their blog. Let’s know about “Comment navigation shortcuts for windows and mac Pc users

By default, these shortcuts are disabled. But you can enable them with just a few seconds of work:

  • Go to Users – Your Profile in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Check the box next to Keyboard Shortcuts to Enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation.
  • Click on Save changes.
FunctionShortcuts for Comments
AApprove the comment
DDelete the comment
EOpen the full edit screen
QOpen the quick edit screen for editing the comment
RStart a reply to the comment
SMark the comment as spam
UUnapproved the comment
XSelect the current comment
ZRestore the comment from the Trash Folder
Shift+SMark the selected comments as spam
Shift+TMove the checked comment to the trash
Shift+XCheck all the boxes
Shift+ZRestore checked comments from trash
WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts for Comments Screen

Useful WordPress Keyboard shortcuts for Mac and Windows users

If you are a professional or a new beginner blogger, then this Helpful and time-saving WordPress shortcut key is enough to make your blogging profession easy.

Here we have learned about various types of WordPress shortcut keys like WordPress Formatting Shortcuts, Shortcuts for Moderating Comments, WordPress Editor Keyboard Shortcuts For Mac pc, and also Content management, content formatting,

If you found this post related to “The Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts in WordPress” helpful, then do share it.