What is PC Full Form, Meaning And Definition

Do you want to know what is the full form of PC is? then you are on the Right Forum. Well In this post you will not only get the all possible “PC Full Form & Meaning” But also Get various possible acronyms, abbreviations, and “PC Meaning” with definition. Not only this, but But you will also come to know what Does PC stands for? & what is PC meaning, So You should read this post till the last.

What is PC Full Form?

[su_box title=”PC : Personal Computer” style=”default” box_color=”#0373b9″ title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]

The Full Form of PC is Personal Computer. PC is a multi-purpose Digital computer that is used for general-purpose and individual use only, such as word-processing work, playing games, internet browsing, watching a video, and listen to songs, etc. The world’s first personal computer was created by Ed Roberts in 1975.

A personal computer consists of a central processing unit (CPU), Integrated Circuit, two types of memory such as RAM and ROM, and magnetic hard disk (HDD), compact disk, and various input/output devices such as to monitor, keyboard, printer, mouse, modem, network card, etc. There are Some Examples of Personal Computer – Desktop, Notebook, Smartphone, tablet,

Finally, you have got the answer to the question of “What is PC”. Thus, PC is an acronym. So it has many full forms in different categories. Finally, PC has many Full-Forms listed in different categories below the table. Let’s Learn the PC Full Form in English.


AcronymsFull forms of PC
PCPeripheral Controller
PCPersonal Care
PCPersonal Care
PCPersonal Copy
PCPersonal Copy
PCPhone Call
PCPipeline Crossing
PCPlanning Commission
PCPlanning Commission
PCPlasma Cell (biology)
PCPlatform Controller
PCPlayer Character
PCPocket Calculator
PCPocket Computer
PCPoint Code (ANSI)
PCPolice Car
PCPortable Computer
PCPortion Control
PCPost Card
PCPost Color
PCPostal Code
PCPower Control
PCPresidents Choice
PCPresident’s Choice 
PCPress Conference
PCPress Conference
PCPressure Controller
PCPrices Current
PCPrimary Care
PCProcess Computer
PCProcess Control
PCProcess Controller
PCProduction Control
PCProfessional Component 
PCProfessional Computer
PCProfessional Corporation
PCProgram Code
PCProgram Code
PCProgram Control
PCProgram Counter
PCProtection Class (insurance)
PCPurchase Card

FAQs About PC Meaning

[su_box title=”Frequently Asked Questions” style=”default” box_color=”#0373b9″ title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]

In the above article, you have learned all About the Full Forms of PC. Now we are going to discuss some FAQs that are frequently asked on the internet. So there are many FAQs on PC let’s explore some of them.

  1. What is the full form of PC Meaning?

    The meaning of PC is – ” Personal Computer ” The Definition of PC & Also all possible meaning is given above, so check out the related information above section.

  2. What does PC stand for?

    PC stands for Personal Computer. But there may be more than one meaning of PC, so check out all meanings of PC in the Above post section.

  3. What does PC mean?

    PC means Personal Computer. you can read Most used PC Full Form Meaning. check out related information in the above section.

  4. What is the meaning of PC?

    The meaning of the PC is “Personal Computer“. to know more about it so check out the related information above section.

  5. Full Name of PC?

    If you read this post till the end then you know the Full Name of PC is Personal Computer. PC has many other Full Forms there are listed Above.
