What is ITES Full Form, ITES Meaning & Definition

Are you searching For “ITES Full Form” on the internet? then you are on the Right website. We discuss In this post, definition & Full Form of ITES, What is ITES Meaning, What does ITES stands for. As well As Here are various possible acronyms, abbreviations, and Full Form of ITES with definition and meaning are given below. So You should read this post till the last.

What is ITES Full Form?

[su_box title=”ITES : Information Technology Enabled Services ” style=”default” box_color=”#0373b9″ title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]

The Full Form of ITES is Information Technology Enabled Services. ITES is also known as web-enabled services. it Provides IT-enabled services around the world such as e-CRM, BPO service, IT help desk Service, Data processing, and data entry, etc. ITES uses information technology to upgrade the efficiency of an organization

There Are Many Services of ITES

  • Business Process Outsourcing
  • Game Process Outsourcing
  • Knowledge Process Outsourcing
  • medical transaction & coding
  • IT help desk services
  • e-CRM
  • Legal Process Outsourcing
  • electronic publishing
  • data mining & editing
  • Telecommunication & Call Centres
  • Logistics Management.
  • Operations at Back Office

List of Indian IT-ITES companies

  • CMC Limited
  • HCL Technologies Limited
  • Infosys Technologies Limited
  • TCS (Tata Consultancy Services Ltd)
  • Tech Mahindra Limited
  • NIIT Technologies

When do you ask “What is ASP” then the answer is ITES is an acronym. So it has many full forms in different categories. Finally, the Most Using ITES Full Forms Are. ITES has many Full-Forms listed in different categories below the table. Let’s Learn the ITES Full Form in English.


AcronymsFull forms of ITES
ITESIt’s the Economy, Stupid
ITESInformation Technology Enabled Services
ITESIt Enabled Services
ITESInformation Technology Enterprise Solutions
ITESInternational Teacher Exchange Services
ITESDepartment of Instructional Technology and Educational Studies
ITESInternational Test & Engineering Services Company (Japan)

FAQs About ITES Meaning

[su_box title=”Frequently Asked Questions” style=”default” box_color=”#0373b9″ title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]

In the above article, you have learned all About the Full Forms of ITES. Now we are going to discuss some FAQs that are frequently asked on the internet. so there are many FAQs on ITES let’s explore some of them.

  1. What is ITES Meaning?

    This post is all about ITES meaning and acronyms. The Definition of ITES is given above so check out the related information above section.

  2. What does ITES stand for?

    ITES stands for Information Technology Enabled Services. But there may be more than one meaning of ITES, so check out all meanings of ITES in the Above post section.

  3. What does ITES mean?

    ITES means Information Technology Enabled Services. you can read Most used ITES Full Form Meaning. check out related information in the above section.

  4. What is the meaning of ITES?

    The meaning of the ITES is also provided earlier. to know more about it so check out the related information above section.

  5. Full Name of ITES?

    If you read this post till the end then you know the Full Name of ITES is Information Technology Enabled Services. ITES has many other Full Forms there are listed Above.
