What is DAO Full Form, DAO Meaning And Acronyms

Are you searching For “DAO Full Form” on the internet? then you are on the Right website. With the help of this post, We discuss What is DAO, What is DAO Meaning? What does DAO stand for? As well As Here are various possible acronyms, abbreviations, and Full Form of DAO with definition and meaning are given below. So You should read this post till the last.

What is DAO Full Form?

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The Full Form of DAO is Data Access Objects. In computer programming data access object (DAO) is a Data design technique that forms a module layer to manage all data access for a software program. it helps to reading, writing, and fetching data to the database or external database file system.
the main feature of DAO is that it helps how the data is accessed for software programs. and DAO makes ensures that all user databases in the software will be used in the same way, which makes for better software.

As DAO is an acronym so it has many full forms in different categories. Finally, the Most Using DAO Full Forms Are. DAO has many Full-Forms listed in different categories below the table. Let’s Learn the DAO Full Form in English.


AcronymsFull Form of DAO
DAOData Access Objects (Microsoft)
DAOData Access Object
DAODigital Audio Output
DAOData Assimilation Office
DAODefense Attache Office
DAODepartmental Administrative Order
DAODigital Asset Optimization (file indexing)
DAODual Action Only (firearms)
DAODynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
DAODefense Accounting Office
DAODistrict Adjudications Officer
DAODefense Agency Operations
DAOData Analysis Office
DAODisbursing Accounting Officer
DAODial Address Outgoing
DAODivision Air Officer
DAODocument Advisor Office
DAODirector, Air Operations
DAODepartment of Army Organization

FAQs About DAO Meaning

In the above article, you have learned all the Full Forms of DAO. Now we are going to discuss some FAQs that are frequently asked on the internet.

  • What is the full form of DAO
  • What does DAO stand for?
  • What does DAO mean?
  • ALP acronym meaning?
  • Full Details of DAO?
  • Full Name of DAO?
  • Is it acronym or abbreviation?
  • Expand DAO Meaning

In this post, we have provided much important information related to the Full Forms of DAO. If you find this post is helpful for you and if you think this post may helpful for others then show your greatness by sharing the post on social media. and if you find any mistake related to DAO meaning then kindly contact us.