What is MVC Full Form, Meaning And Definition

On this page, We are going to learn about the full form of MVC and the meaning of MVC, As well as the meaning, definition, abbreviation, and acronym for MVC in different categories. So you should read this post till the end.

The Full Form of MVC: Model View Controller

MVC stands for Model View Controller. MVC is a software architectural pattern that separates the representation of information from the user’s interaction with it. The model represents the data, the view represents the user interface, and the controller mediates between the two.

In an MVC architecture, the model is responsible for managing the data of the application. It consists of the data and the business logic necessary to manipulate the data. The view is responsible for presenting the model to the user.

It is the visual representation of the model’s data. The controller is responsible for handling user input and updating the model and view as necessary.

Advantage of MVC

The MVC pattern helps to separate the concerns of the different parts of the application, making it easier to develop and maintain. It also allows for multiple views of the same data, as the model is not tied to any specific view.

MVC is a widely used architectural pattern for building user interfaces, particularly in the field of web development. It is used in many popular frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET, and AngularJS.

Where is MVC used?

MVC is used in many popular frameworks, including:

  • Ruby on Rails: A web application framework written in Ruby that uses the MVC pattern.
  • ASP.NET: A web application framework developed by Microsoft that uses the MVC pattern.
  • AngularJS: A JavaScript-based web application framework developed by Google that uses the MVC pattern.
  • Spring MVC: A Java-based web application framework that uses the MVC pattern.
  • Django: A Python-based web application framework that uses the MVC pattern.

MVC is also used in the development of desktop applications, mobile applications, and other types of software. It is a widely used architectural pattern because it helps to separate the concerns of different parts of the application, making it easier to develop and maintain.

What is MVC simple example?

Here is a simple example of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern in action:

Imagine we are building a to-do list application. The model in this case could be a list of tasks that needs to be done. The view could be a user interface that displays the list of tasks to the user and allows them to add, edit, and delete tasks. The controller would be responsible for handling user input, such as adding a new task to the list or marking a task as complete.

Here is some sample code that demonstrates how these different parts of the MVC pattern might work together:

Copy codeclass Task {
  String description;
  bool isCompleted;

  Task(this.description, this.isCompleted);

class TaskListModel {
  List<Task> tasks;

  TaskListModel() {
    tasks = [];

  void addTask(Task task) {

  void deleteTask(Task task) {

class TaskListView {
  TaskListModel model;


  void display() {
    for (var task in model.tasks) {

class TaskListController {
  TaskListModel model;
  TaskListView view;

  TaskListController(this.model, this.view);

  void addTask(String description) {
    var task = Task(description, false);

  void deleteTask(Task task) {

void main() {
  var model = TaskListModel();
  var view = TaskListView(model);
  var controller = TaskListController(model, view);

  controller.addTask("Take out trash");
  controller.addTask("Do laundry");
  controller.addTask("Buy groceries");


In this example, the TaskListModel class represents the model, which stores a list of tasks. The TaskListView class represents the view, which displays the list of tasks to the user. The TaskListController class represents the controller, which handles user input and updates the model and view as necessary.

When the user adds a new task using the addTask method of the TaskListController, the controller updates the model by adding the new task to the list of tasks. The view is then updated to reflect the change in the model. When the display method of the TaskListView is called, it prints out the list of tasks to the console.

What is MVC in .NET with example?

In the .NET framework, MVC is implemented through the ASP.NET MVC framework, which provides a structured model for building web applications.

Here is a simple example of the MVC pattern in action using ASP.NET MVC:

Imagine we are building a simple blog application that allows users to view and create blog posts.

The model in this case could be a Post class that represents a single blog post, with properties such as the title, body, and author of the post.

Copy codepublic class Post
  public int Id { get; set; }
  public string Title { get; set; }
  public string Body { get; set; }
  public string Author { get; set; }

The view in this case could be a Razor template that displays the list of posts to the user and allows them to create a new post.

Copy code@model IEnumerable<Post>

<h1>Blog Posts</h1>

    @foreach (var post in Model) {

<h2>New Post</h2>

<form method="post">
  <input type="text" name="title" />
  <br />
  <textarea name="body"></textarea>
  <br />
  <input type="text" name="author" />
  <br />
  <input type="submit" value="Create" />

The controller in this case could be a PostsController class that handles HTTP requests, updates the model, and returns the appropriate view to the user.

Copy codepublic class PostsController : Controller
  private readonly BlogContext _context;

  public PostsController(BlogContext context)
    _context = context;

  public ActionResult Index()
    var posts = _context.Posts.ToList();
    return View(posts);

  public ActionResult Create(Post post)
    return RedirectToAction("Index");

In this example, the Post class represents the model, which stores the data for a single blog post. The view is a Razor template that displays the list of posts to the user and allows them to create a new post. The PostsController class represents the controller, which handles HTTP requests and updates the model as necessary.

When the user submits the form to create a new post, the Create action of the PostsController is called, which adds the new post to the database and redirects the user back to the list.

Similar meaning of MVC

There are some of the most commonly used acronyms, abbreviations, full forms, and the meaning of MVC are listed in different categories below the table.

AcronymsFull forms of MVC
MVCManual Volume Control
MVCMarket Value Chain
MVCMaximum Versions per Cluster
MVCMinimum Valid Concentration
MVCMobile Video Coder
MVCMobile Video Component
MVCMobile Video Conferencing
MVCModel Validation Criteria
MVCModel View Controller
MVCModel View Controller 
(Microsoft software design pattern)
MVCModule View Controller
MVCMost Valuable Contribution
MVCMost Volatile Component (chemistry)
MVCMotor Vehicle Crash
MVCMulti-Variable Calculus
MVCMulticast Virtual Circuit
MVCMultimedia Video Controller
MVCMultimedia Viewer Compiler
MVCMulti-Virus Cleaner (software)
MVCMusic & Video Club
MVCMusic Video Channel

Now you might have got some ideas about the Meaning and full form of MVC. And also all popular full forms, acronyms, abbreviations, and their meanings and definitions.