Hamas Meaning, Definition & Synonyms

Hamas Meaning in English

Meaning ➦ Hamas is a Palestinian political and military organization. founded in 1987 with the aim of establishing an Islamic state in Palestine

Definition✎: Hamas, officially known as the Islamic Resistance Movement, is a Palestinian political and military organization operating primarily in the Gaza Strip and West Bank regions. It was founded in 1987 during the First Intifada, with the goal of establishing an independent Palestinian state and resisting Israeli occupation. It also operates social services and has a political wing that has participated in Palestinian elections.

Pronunciation🔊: [hah-mahs]

Hamas Synonyms

  • There are no direct Synonyms for Hamas, as it is a specific organization.

Hamas Antonyms

  • There are no direct antonyms for Hamas, as it is a specific organization.

Examples Use of Hamas in a Sentence

  1. “Hamas has been a major player in Palestinian politics and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
  2. “The international community has varying opinions about the legitimacy of Hamas.”
  3. “The ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas are ongoing.”