What is DP Full Form, Meaning, And Definition

On this page, We are going to learn about the full form of DP and the meaning of DP, As well as the meaning, definition, abbreviation, and acronym for DP in different categories. So you should read this post till the end.

The Full Form of DP: Display Picture

DP stands for Display Picture. DP is one kind of profile picture or photograph which is usually used on social networking sites such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.

It is often used to represent a user’s profile picture or avatar. actually, It represents A highlighted picture of the account used on a social media profile to represent his visual identity.

A good DP should be something that represents you and your personality. It can be a photo of you, a scenic photo, or anything else that you feel represents you.

Some people choose to have multiple DPs, depending on their mood or the time of year. For example, you might have a different DP for summer and winter.

If you’re not sure what to use as your DP, ask a friend or family member for their opinion. You can also search online for inspiration.

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you’re happy with. After all, your DP is a reflection of you!

The Meaning of DP in computer: Data Processing

DP stands for Data Processing in Computer. Data processing is a technique used to arrange and modify data, often with a large number of numeric data via computer software.

actually, it is used to manage, process, and store data, analyze or calculate the data. some example of data processing is MS Word, PowerPoint, MS Excel.

Some Other Meanings of DP

DPData Privacy
Computing – Cyber & Security
DPDistribution Point
Business – Logistics
DPDynamic Programming
Computing – General Computing
DPDown Payment
Business – Accounting
DPDrop Point
Computing – Telecom
DPDrop Party
DPDisplaced Persons
Governmental – US Government
Business – General Business
DPDear Partner
DPDisaster Preparedness
Governmental – US Government
DPDigital Photography
Miscellaneous – Photography & Imaging
DPDecimal Point
DPDeranged Prisoner
Governmental – Police
DPDrawing Package
Governmental – Military
DPDeath Penalty
Computing – Gaming
DPDigital Production
DPDevelopment Plan
Governmental – Military
DPDepository Participant
Business – Stock Exchange
DPDisease Proof
Medical – Physiology
DPDavis Putnam
Community – Famous & Celebs
DPDiagnostic Program
Computing – Software
DPDispled person
DPDouble Play
DPDemographic Profile
DPDraft Proposal
Computing – General Computing
DPDecimal Places
Miscellaneous – Unit Measures
DPDiastatic Power
Miscellaneous – Food & Nutrition
DPDomestic Partner
Governmental – Law & Legal
DPData Point
Academic & Science – Physics
DPDonkey Punch
Computing – Gaming
DPDemocratic Party
Regional – African
DPDeep Pulse
Medical – Physiology
DPDisplay Picture
Business – General Business
DPDistributed Processing
Computing – Networking
DPDigital Painting
Computing – General Computing
DPDouble Penetration
Governmental – Military
DPDave Parks, football player
Community – Famous & Celebs
DPDisplaced People
Community – Housing & Amenities
DPDouble Points
Computing – Gaming
DPDial Pulsing
Computing – Telecom
DPDry Process
Academic & Science – Chemistry
DPDesign Parameters
Academic & Science – Physics
DPDegree of Polymerization
Miscellaneous – Plastics
DPDual Power
DPDomain Publique
Governmental – Law & Legal
DPDosage Profile
Medical – Prescription
DPDigital Performer
Internet – Chat
DPDefinition Popup
DPDead Pixel
Computing – Hardware
DPData Processing
Governmental – Military
DPDual Purpose
Governmental – Military
DPDifferential Pressure
Academic & Science – Chemistry
DPDirector of Photography
Business – Occupation & Positions
DPDog Patch
Governmental – State & Local
DPDevelopment Permit
Governmental – US Government
DPDynamic Positioning
Governmental – Military
DPDual Processor
Computing – General Computing
DPDesign Performance
Business – General Business
DPDesign Prototype
Computing – Hardware
DPDescriptive Polarity
Academic & Science – Electronics
DPDecentralized Peripheral
Computing – Networking
DPDiastolic Pressure
Medical – Physiology
DPDiagnostic Products Corporation
Business – NYSE Symbols
DPDiesel Pusher
Regional – Railroads
DPDecision Point
Governmental – Military
DPDynamically Positioned
Academic & Science – Physics
DPDouble Precision
Computing – Assembly
DPDetroit Project
DPDoctor of Pharmacy
Medical – British Medicine
dpDesign Pressure
Academic & Science – Mechanics
DPDown Pipe
Miscellaneous – Construction
DPDisplaced Person
Governmental – US Government
DPData Packet
Computing – Networking