What is CBC Full Form And Meaning, Stands for & Definition

Do you want to know what is the full form of CBC is? then you are on the Right Forum. Well In this post you will not only get the all possible CBC Full Form & Meaning. But also Get various possible acronyms, abbreviations, and “CBC Meaning” with definition. Not only this, but But you will also come to know what Does CBC stands for? & what is CBC meaning, So You should read this post till the last.

What is CBC Full Form and meaning?

[su_box title=” CBC in Medical : Complete Blood Count” style=”default” box_color=”#17476c” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”5″ class=”” id=””]

CBC Stands for Complete Blood Count in medical term. Red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets are all evaluated by CBC testing (PLTs). This test is used to assess your general health and detect a wide range of illnesses and ailments, such as infections and leukaemia.

[su_box title=” CBC : Cipher Block Chaining” style=”default” box_color=”#17476c” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”5″ class=”” id=””]

CBC Stands for Cipher Block Chaining. A block cipher’s method of operation is CBC, which encrypts a series of bits as a single unit, or block, with a cypher key applied to the entire block.

[su_box title=” CBC in Railways : Centre buffer coupler” style=”default” box_color=”#17476c” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”5″ class=”” id=””]

The meaning of CBC is Centre buffer coupler in railways. It’s a mechanism that joins one train’s rolling stock to another. At both ends of the rolling stock, it is in the middle.

[su_box title=” CBC in finance : Counter Balancing Capacity” style=”default” box_color=”#17476c” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”5″ class=”” id=””]

CBC Full form is Counter Balancing Capacity in Finance. But There are some Most Using CBC Full form is Criminal Background Check or the Meaning of CBC abbreviation is Certificate-Based Cryptography or The full form of CBC is Connection Bandwidth Control (ATM)

Finally, you have got the answer to the question of “What is CBC”. Thus, CBC is an acronym. So it has many full forms in different categories. Finally, CBC has many Full-Forms listed in different categories below the table. Let’s Learn the CBC Full Form in English.


AcronymsCBC Meaning
CBCCornering Brake Control
CBCContralateral Breast Cancer
CbCCap-Binding Complex
CBCCipher Block Chaining
CBCCanterbury Business College
CBCConcrete Box Culvert
CBCCalifornia Building Code
CBCColumbia Basin College
CBCComplete Blood Count
CBCCipher Block Chaining mode
CBCChoice-Based Conjoint
CBCCell Blood Count
CBCCentral Baptist College
CBCCell Broadcast Centre
CBCCanadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBCCambridge Bible Commentary
CBCCommon Booster Core

FAQs About CBC Meaning

[su_box title=”Frequently Asked Questions” style=”default” box_color=”#17476c” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”5″ class=”” id=””]

In the above article, you have learned all About the Full Forms of CBC. Now we are going to discuss some FAQs that are frequently asked on the internet. So there are many FAQs on CBC let’s explore some of them.

  1. What is the full form of CBC Meaning?

    The meaning of CBC is – ” Cipher Block Chaining ” The Definition of CBC & Also all possible meaning is given above, so check out the related information above section.

  2. What does CBC stand for?

    CBC stands for Cipher Block Chaining. But there may be more than one meaning of CBC, so check out all meanings of CBC in the Above post section.

  3. What does CBC mean?

    CBC means Cipher Block Chaining. you can read Most used CBC Full Form Meaning. check out related information in the above section.

  4. What is the meaning of CBC?

    The meaning of the CBC is “Cipher Block Chaining“. to know more about it, check out the related information above section.

  5. Full Name of CBC?

    If you read this post till the end then you know the Full Name of CBC is Cipher Block Chaining. It has many other Full Forms there are listed Above.
