50+ AutoCAD Shortcut Keys List – The Complete Guide

AutoCAD is a powerful software used by engineers and architects to create 2D and 3D designs. While it can be used without shortcuts, using them can make drawing and editing much faster. In this article, we’ll provide a complete guide to AutoCAD shortcut keys.

What are AutoCAD shortcut keys?

AutoCAD shortcut keys are a combination of keys that you can press on your keyboard to perform a specific task.

The benefits of using AutoCAD shortcut keys

There are many benefits to using AutoCAD shortcut keys. One of the biggest benefits is that they can help you work faster. AutoCAD shortcut keys can help you create designs more quickly and efficiently.

Another benefit of using shortcut keys is that they can help you avoid mistakes. When you are using shortcut keys, you are less likely to make mistakes because you are completing each task quickly and accurately.

Additionally, shortcut keys can help you be more efficient with your design work. When you are able to work quickly and accurately, you can complete more tasks in a shorter amount of time.

AutoCAD Shortcut Keys List Download
AutoCAD Shortcut Keys List Download

Overall, using AutoCAD shortcut keys can help you work faster, avoid mistakes, and be more efficient with your design work.

How to use AutoCAD shortcut keys

AutoCAD shortcut keys can save you a lot of time when working on drawings. Here are a few of the most commonly used shortcut keys:

ShortCutToggle Drawing Modes
F1Opens the AutoCAD help file
F2Toggles between isometric and orthographic views
F3Opens the Quick Properties panel
F4Opens the Properties palette
F5Opens the View palette
F6Toggles between model and paper space
F7Toggles between the command line and the dialog box
F8Sets the current view to the upper-left viewport
F9Sets the current view to the upper-right viewport
F10Sets the current view to the lower-left viewport
F11Sets the current view to the lower-right viewport
EscCloses the current dialog box

The most commonly used AutoCAD shortcut keys

AutoCAD shortcut keys are used to help users work faster and more efficiently. The most commonly used shortcut keys are:

ShortcutGeneral Features
Ctrl+EToggle coordinate display
Ctrl+GToggle Grid
Ctrl+ECycle isometric planes
Ctrl+FToggle running object snaps
Ctrl+HToggle Pick Style
Ctrl+Shift+HToggle Hide pallets
Ctrl+IToggle Coords
Ctrl+Shift+IToggle Infer Constraints
ShortcutManage Screen
Ctrl+0 (zero)Clean Screen
Ctrl+1Property Palette
Ctrl+2Design Centre Palette
Ctrl+3Tool Palette
Ctrl+4Sheet Set Palette
Ctrl+6DBConnect Manager
Ctrl+7Markup Set Manager Palette
Ctrl+8Quick Calc
Ctrl+9Command Line
Ctrl+NNew Drawing
Ctrl+SSave drawing
Ctrl+OOpen drawing
Ctrl+PPlot dialog box
Ctrl+TabSwitch to next
Ctrl+Shift+TabSwitch to previous drawing
Ctrl+Page UpSwitch to previous tab in current drawing
Ctrl+Page DownSwitch to next tab in current drawing
Ctrl+ASelect all objects

A comprehensive AutoCAD shortcut keys list

AutoCAD is a very powerful program and with a little practice, you can be creating 2D and 3D drawings like a pro. One way to improve your productivity in AutoCAD is to use shortcut keys. In this chapter, we will provide you with a comprehensive list of AutoCAD shortcut keys.

ShortcutManage Workflow
Ctrl+CCopy object
Ctrl+XCut object
Ctrl+VPaste object
Ctrl+Shift+CCopy to clipboard with base point
Ctrl+Shift+VPaste data as block
Ctrl+ZUndo last action
Ctrl+YRedo last action
Ctrl+[Cancel current command (or ctrl+\)
ESCCancel current command

With this guide, you’ll be able to speed up your AutoCAD workflow and be more productive. So, if you’re looking to get the most out of this powerful software, be sure to check out our AutoCAD shortcut keys list!