The Full Form of ASCI Meaning, and Definition 

On this page, We are going to learn about the full form of ASCI and the meaning of ASCI, As well as the meaning, definition, and acronym for ASCI in different categories. So you should read this post till the end.

The Full Form of ASCI – Advertising Standards Council of India

ASCI Stands for Advertising Standards Council of India. ASCI is an independent self-regulatory body set up under the Advertising Standards Council Act, which regulates advertisements in India.

The ASCI is the single window for complaints regarding all forms of media advertising in the country. It is not a forum for individual grievances. It is the sole authority in the country to receive and consider representations against advertisements.

It deals with all kinds of advertisements including print, outdoor, audio-visual, and electronic. The decision of the Council is final.

What is the role of ASCI

The ASCI’s Code of Advertising Standards, the code of conduct for advertisers, is enforced by the ASCI through its self-regulatory mechanisms.

The Code prohibits both direct and indirect advertising of products and services that are harmful, offensive, or derogatory to any religion, race, caste, community, gender, or language.

The ASCI is also responsible for formulating and enforcing the Code of Advertising Standards, which is the legal framework for the self-regulatory system. The ASCI is the first and only self-regulatory body for advertising in India.

It was established in 1995 to address issues related to the accuracy, truthfulness, relevance, and ethics of advertising.

There are some of the most commonly used acronyms, abbreviations, full forms, and the ASCI meaning are listed in different categories below the table.

TermsFull Forms
ASCIAdvanced Simulation and Computing Initiative
Computing » IT
ASCIAmerican Society for Clinical Investigation
Medical » Human Genome
ASCIAccelerated Strategic Computing Initiative
Governmental » US Government
ASCIAssessments, Standards, Curriculum, and Instruction
Community » Educational
ASCIAdvertising Standards Council of India
Governmental » Council
ASCIAdvanced Structural Chemical Imaging
Academic & Science » Chemistry
ASCIAdvanced Speech Call Item
Computing » IT
ASCIAdvanced School For Computing And Imaging
ASCIAdvanced Strategic Computing Initiative
Business » General Business
ASCIAgent to Server Communications Interval
Computing » Networking
ASCIAdministrative Staff College Of India
Academic & Science » Colleges
ASCI full form