What is AAI Full Form And Meaning, Stands for & Definition

Do you want to know what is the full form of AAI is? then you are on the Right Forum. Well In this post you will not only get the all possible “AAI Full Form & Meaning” But also Get various possible acronyms, abbreviations, and “AAI Meaning” with definition. Not only this, but But you will also come to know what Does AAI stands for? & what is AAI meaning, So You should read this post till the last.

What is AAI Full Form?

[su_box title=” AAI : Airport Authority of India or Archery Association of India ” style=”default” box_color=”#0373b9″ title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]

The Full Form of AAI is Airport Authority of India. AAI acts as an authority that comes under the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

Establishment and Headquarters of AAI

It was established on 1st April 1959. But later in 1995, due to a bill of Parliament, the International Airport Authority (IAAI) was merged with the National Airport Authority (NAA). The headquarters of AAI is located at Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi. AAI also has its own official website http://aai.aero

What are the job opportunities in AAI?

The Airport Authority of India is an Indian institution carrying out the functions of The organization often requires staff for tasks such as airport operations, airport navigation, and security. And keeping this in mind, AAI keeps on issuing recruitment for various posts according to merit from time to time. Which you can find out with the help of its official website.

It issues recruitment for operations like CNS (Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance), ATM (Air Traffic Management), Engineering Department, Finance Department, Human Resource, Land and Commercial Department.


[su_box title=” AAI in Insurance : Accredited Advisor in Insurance ” style=”default” box_color=”#0373b9″ title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]

The full form of AAI is Accredited Advisor in Insurance in finance and insurance. After completing a course of study and passing a series of exams, insurance professionals can receive the AAI certificate.

Finally, you have got the answer to the question of “What is AAI”. Thus, AAI is an acronym. So it has many full forms in different categories. Finally, AAI has many Full-Forms listed in different categories below the table. Let’s Learn the AAI Full Form in English.


AcronymsFull form of AAI
AAIAircraft Armament Incorporated
AAIAirport Authority of India
AAIAir-to-Air Intercept
AAIAir-to-Air Interface
AAIAir-to-Air Interrogator
AAIAll Actors Integration
AAIAll Appropriate Inquiry
AAIAllied Armies in Itlay
AAIAngle of Approach Indicator
AAIAntenna-Air Interface
AAIApplications Alarms Infrastructure
AAIArea of Archaeological Importance (UK)
AAIArmy Analysis Intelligence
AAIArrival Aircraft Interval (air traffic control)
AAIAudit Action Item
AAIAutomated Acquisition Information

FAQs About AAI Meaning

[su_box title=”Frequently Asked Questions” style=”default” box_color=”#0373b9″ title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″ class=”” id=””]

In the above article, you have learned all About the Full Forms of AAI. Now we are going to discuss some FAQs that are frequently asked on the internet. So there are many FAQs on AAI let’s explore some of them.

  1. What is the full form of AAI Meaning?

    The meaning of AAI is – ” Airport Authority of India ” The Definition of AAI & Also all possible meaning is given above, so check out the related information above section.

  2. What does AAI stand for?

    AAI stands for Airport Authority of India. But there may be more than one meaning of AAI, so check out all meanings of AAI in the Above post section.

  3. What does AAI mean?

    AAI means Airport Authority of India. you can read Most used AAI Full Form Meaning. check out related information in the above section.

  4. What is the meaning of AAI?

    The meaning of the AAI is “Airport Authority of India“. to know more about it so check out the related information above section.

  5. Full Name of AAI?

    If you read this post till the end then you know the Full Name of AAI is Airport Authority of India. AAI has many other Full Forms there are listed Above.
